C# - Design-guidelines - This link is providing guidelines to design frameworks.
Introduction to Design Patterns
1. Singleton
Some classes should have only one instance.
Examples: 1. Access to a compute file system
2. Access to window task manager
3. Access to a Network's Printer Spooler
Commonly, Singletons should be created when they are first needed. (Lazy construction)
Intent -
Ensure a Class has only one Instance.
Making the class itself responsible to keeping track of its sole Instance.
"There can be only One"
Applicability -
Use Singleton pattern when:
1. There must be one and only one instance of class.
2. The Class Must be accessible to clients.
3. Class should not require parameters as part of it's Construction
when creating the Instance is expensive, a Singleton can improve Performance.
Example -
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// Usage of Singleton
// other way
assign singleton to variable then use
var single = Singleton.Instance;
// other way
pass as paramtere -- static class we can not pass a parameter
static void Doing(Singleton s)
class Singleton
private static Singleton instance;
private Singleton()
public static Singleton Instance
if (instance == null)
instance = new Singleton();
return instance;
public void Todo()
}But it's not thread safe. Lets create Thread Safe and Fast Singleton code
public class LazySingleton
private LazySingleton() { }
public static LazySingleton Instance
return Nested.instance;
private class Nested
static Nested() { }
internal static readonly LazySingleton instance = new LazySingleton();
In above thread safe example Static Nested() constructor is there because - When all static data is initialized inline and an explicit static constructor is not declared, Microsoft intermediate language (MSIL) compilers add the
In above thread safe example Static Nested() constructor is there because - When all static data is initialized inline and an explicit static constructor is not declared, Microsoft intermediate language (MSIL) compilers add the
flag and an implicit static constructor, which initializes the static data, to the MSIL type definition.
1. Singleton introduce tight coupling among collaborating classes.
2. Singletons are not or seriously difficulty to TEST.
3. Using an IOC container - it is straight forward to avoid coupling and testability issues.
Single Responsibility -
Management of object life time is a single responsibility,
we add this responsibility to a singleton class which is responsible for other responsibilities then it's violating SRP(Single Responsibility Principle).
using an IOC Container, a separate class can be responsible for managing lifetime objects.
Singleton Design Pattern Beforefieldinit
Other Related Patterns: Factory Method, Builder, Abstract Factory
Singleton Design Pattern Beforefieldinit
Other Related Patterns: Factory Method, Builder, Abstract Factory
2. Repository
Intent - Encapsulate data Access Logic -
Data appears to live an in memory collection.
Visit below MSDN link to study in detail.
The Repository Pattern MSDN
Consequences -
More classes and less duplicate codes.
Maintainability, Flexibility, Testability
Related Patterns -
Unit Of Work - All operation should follow ACID rules.
Specification -you want to implement additional query methods in repository/
Identity Map - responsible to manage identities like row identity
Decorator - responsible for other things like you want to implement a cache repository between business layer and original repository.
3. Specification Pattern
Intent - Encapsulate data Access Logic -
Data appears to live an in memory collection.
Visit below MSDN link to study in detail.
The Repository Pattern MSDN
Consequences -
More classes and less duplicate codes.
Maintainability, Flexibility, Testability
Related Patterns -
Unit Of Work - All operation should follow ACID rules.
Specification -you want to implement additional query methods in repository/
Identity Map - responsible to manage identities like row identity
Decorator - responsible for other things like you want to implement a cache repository between business layer and original repository.
3. Specification Pattern
This pattern is about encapsulating domain rules into specification classes. These are then used to test if a particular domain object satisfies the criteria. Typically, they expose a public function called IsSatisifiedBy() that returns a boolean based on whether the object satisfies the specification.
For example, if we have a bank account value object…
public class BankAccount
public int CurrentBalance( get; set;}
..we may define a specification to test whether the bank is overdrawn…
public interface ISpecification
bool IsSatisfiedBy(BankAccount account);
public class AccountOverdrawnSpecification: ISpecification
public bool IsSatisfiedBy(BankAccount account)
return (account.CurrentBalance < 0);
..which can then be used in our code.
ISpecification overdrawnSpecification =
new AccountOverdrawnSpecification();
var account = new BankAccount(){ CurrentBalance = -10};
if (overdrawnSpecification.IsSatisfiedBy(account))
throw new AccountOverdrawnException();
The main advantage of this pattern is that any logical decisions within the code will be based upon language the customer would understand. It also makes the code more readable, which will benefit other developers when they need to understand the system.
An additional feature of this pattern is that the specifications can be ‘chained’ using boolean logic to create more complex specifications. Below is an example of this in action:
ISpecification complexSpecification =
new AccountOverdrawnSpecification().And(
new AccountEmptySpecification().Or(new AccountValueSpecification()));
var account = new BankAccount(){ CurrentBalance = -10};
if (complesSpecification.IsSatisfiedBy(account))
throw new AccountException();
So, how do we implement this in .NET? Fortunately, generics and extension methods allow us to provide a set of classes that are flexible enough to meet the requirements of this pattern under most circumstances.
First of all, we should amend the ISpecification interface to be type safe by making it a generic interface:
public interface ISpecification<TEntity>
bool IsSatisfiedBy(TEntity entity);
Then we need to define the helper classes that allow us to perform the boolean comparisons (AND, OR and NOT). Below is the code for the AndSpecification class:
internal class AndSpecification<TEntity> : ISpecification<TEntity>
private ISpecification<TEntity> _specificationOne;
private ISpecification<TEntity> _specificationTwo;
internal AndSpecification(ISpecification<TEntity> specificationOne,
ISpecification<TEntity> specificationTwo)
this._specificationOne = specificationOne;
this._specificationTwo = specificationTwo;
public bool IsSatisfiedBy(TEntity entity)
return (this._specificationOne.IsSatisfiedBy(entity) &&
Finally we need to enable the chaining functionality on objects that implement ISpecification by writing extension methods for And(), Or() and Not(), like this:
public static class SpecificationExtensionMethods
public static ISpecification<TEntity> And<TEntity>(
this ISpecification<TEntity> specificationOne,
ISpecification<TEntity> specificationTwo)
return new AndSpecification<TEntity>(
specificationOne, specificationTwo);
public static ISpecification<TEntity> Or<TEntity>(
this ISpecification<TEntity> specificationOne,
ISpecification<TEntity> specificationTwo)
return new OrSpecification<TEntity>(
specificationOne, specificationTwo);
public static ISpecification<TEntity> Not<TEntity>(
this ISpecification<TEntity> specification)
return new NotSpecification<TEntity>(specification);
Now, any specifications we want to define must inherit from the new generic interface. Here is a refactor of the AccountOverdrawnSpecification:
public class AccountOverdrawnSpecification: ISpecification<BankAccount>
public bool IsSatisfiedBy(BankAccount entity)
return (entity.CurrentBalance < 0);
That is all we need to do in order to implement this pattern in a reusable manor in .NET.
For More - Specification Pattern
3. Unit of Work -
Why - Easy Data Access.
- Manage Concurrency Problems.
- Manage Transactions.
In UOW business layer does not need to worry about like what objects has changed because UOW will take care for all. for example - Customers and Order two are related entities then UOW commit operation will save both entities in atomic way.
Applicability - Any time you need data persistence.
- Commonly implemented by persistence frameworks.
(ORMs - N-Hibernate - concepts of sessions implement Unit of Work Pattern, Entity framework)
ADO.NET (Data Sets and Adapter)
Related Patterns - Repository Pattern , Identity Pattern - To manage the identity of a row in data base
Summary -
Keep business logic free of data access code.
keep free business logic from tracking changes.
allow business logic to work with logical transactions.
Why - Easy Data Access.
- Manage Concurrency Problems.
- Manage Transactions.
In UOW business layer does not need to worry about like what objects has changed because UOW will take care for all. for example - Customers and Order two are related entities then UOW commit operation will save both entities in atomic way.
Applicability - Any time you need data persistence.
- Commonly implemented by persistence frameworks.
(ORMs - N-Hibernate - concepts of sessions implement Unit of Work Pattern, Entity framework)
ADO.NET (Data Sets and Adapter)
Related Patterns - Repository Pattern , Identity Pattern - To manage the identity of a row in data base
Summary -
Keep business logic free of data access code.
keep free business logic from tracking changes.
allow business logic to work with logical transactions.
1. Unsure which concrete implementation of interface i want to return.
2. Creation of object should be separated from representation of an Object.
3. Lots of If/Else or Switch blocks when deciding which concrete class need to create so better to refactor the code using factory pattern.
General example -
Intention - separate object creation from the decisions of which object to create.
- Adding new classes and features without breaking OCP. -
Factory produced objects, Factories them selves.
- Store which Object to create outside of program.
Simple Factory Pattern -
- Encapsulate object creation.
- Allows for late bound decisions regarding instantiation
-- configured based
-- input or other dunamic data
-- other persistance storage
- Caller class knows what concrete factory it needs.
namespace DesignPatterns
public class WithoutFactoryPattern
public static IAuto GetCar(string carName)
switch (carName)
case "BMW":
return new BMW();
case "Harrier":
return new Harrier();
return null;
public interface IAuto
void TurnOn();
void TurnOff();
class BMW : IAuto
public void
Console.WriteLine("Turning off BMW");
public void TurnOn()
Console.WriteLine("Turning on BMW");
class Harrier : IAuto
public void
Console.WriteLine("Turning off Harrier");
public void TurnOn()
Console.WriteLine("Turning on Harrier");
public class FactoryPattern
Dictionary<string, Type> autos;
public FactoryPattern()
public IAuto CreateInstance(string name)
Type t = GetTypeToCreate(name);
if (t == null)
return null; // here we can use null pattern
return Activator.CreateInstance(t) as IAuto;
Type GetTypeToCreate(string carName)
foreach (var auto in autos)
if (auto.Key.Contains(carName))
return autos[auto.Key];
return null;
void LoadTypeICanReturn()
autos = new Dictionary<string, Type>();
Type[] typesInThisAssembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetTypes();
foreach (Type t in typesInThisAssembly)
if (t.GetInterface(typeof(IAuto).Name.ToString()) != null)
Calling Client Code:
static void
// without
Factory Pattern
var car = WithoutFactoryPattern.GetCar("Harrier");
if (car != null)
Console.WriteLine("No matching car found");
// its using
factory pattern
// here we or
calling class know about concrete factory it's going to create
FactoryPattern factory = new FactoryPattern();
var bmw = factory.CreateInstance("bmw");
Factory Method Pattern - defines an interface for creating an object, but let the sub class decide which class to instantiate. Factory methods lets a class defer instantiation to sub classes.
Factory Method Pattern - defines an interface for creating an object, but let the sub class decide which class to instantiate. Factory methods lets a class defer instantiation to sub classes.
- Its add an interface to factory it self from Simple factory
- defers object creation to multiple factories that share an interface.
- derived class override or implement factory method of base class.
10. Iterator Pattern
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